Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of the article was to identify the main motives that encourage schoolchildren to surrender the GTO standards. The completion of the degree of physical training, according to test exercises, using the GTO standards, as well as the survey of schoolchildren of grades 10-11 (16-17 years), presented the opportunity to indicate the general attitude to the GTO complex and its application in physical culture classes. Due to the studies, the level of physical fitness of schoolchildren of grades 10-11 was indicated and the degree of their readiness to fulfill the standards of the GTO complex was determined. The need for the development of the methodology of physical fitness of schoolchildren for the surrender of the standards of the GTO complex was revealed. During the analysis, according to the experiment, it was found that with the use of the developed complex, indicators of physical fitness have improved compared to the traditional methodology, which will motivate schoolchildren to systematic visits to physical education classes.

schoolchildren, GTO standards, physical fitness, motivation, control exercises
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