Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The trends in the formation of a digital society serve as benchmarks for the current and prospective development of higher pedagogical education. Therefore, one of the goals of biological and ecological education for future teachers is to master modern digital technologies. Federal projects for creating a digital educational environment include the development of digital services and content for educational activities. Thus, the development of distance learning technologies and blended learning has become a crucial condition for the digital transformation of biology and ecology teaching in higher education. The Federal State Educational Standards for Higher Education (FGOS VO) require the learning outcomes to reflect the components of information culture for future biology teachers and bioecologists. This includes skills such as obtaining necessary information from dictionaries, atlases, guides, the ability to navigate various sources of biological information, critically evaluate and interpret information about living and non-living nature in the media and other sources, and the ability to use information and communication technologies in solving practical tasks. In this regard, organizing field practice for biology students in botany under distance learning conditions is an important component in the subject, meta-subject, and methodological preparation of future biology teachers and bioecology specialists. The accessibility of modern information resources to students, including those with limited capabilities and athletes, in any location and time using distance technologies emphasizes the need to improve their information culture. By engaging students remotely in the study of living nature through mobile devices, virtual and augmented reality, university teachers shape their knowledge and skills in botany, ICT competencies, and information culture, which is part of general human culture and an important element in the development of every individual. Objective: To improve the effectiveness of organizing and conducting field practice for bioecology students in botany under conditions of distance and blended learning. Method or Methodology: The publication is based on information, technological, and competency-based pedagogical approaches. The article utilizes group natural science and pedagogical observations, mathematical methods, and the analysis of students’ activities resulting from individual independent collection of plant material with subsequent analysis and chamber processing. Results: Positive results have been obtained, allowing for the recommendation of implementing distance, mobile, and immersive technologies for organizing and conducting field practices in biology. Application Area of Results: The presented results can be applied in conducting educational activities in universities under conditions of blended and inclusive learning, particularly in biology field practices, both online and offline.

distance learning, field practice, botany, excursion, mobile technologies, immersive technologies, ICT competencies

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