UDK 324 Выборы. Референдумы. Плебисциты. Избирательные кампании.Коррупция при выборах
The aim of this research paper is to identify and analyze the factors determining the evolution of electoral systems in Vietnam and their consequent impact on political representation and citizen participation. To achieve this objective, the study meticulously examines the historical development of electoral mechanisms, starting from the French colonial era through to the current Socialist Republic of Vietnam. A significant milestone in this evolution was the implementation of the "Doi Moi" (Renovation) reforms in 1986, which marked a pivotal turning point, ushering in substantial political and economic changes. These reforms not only restructured the economy but also had profound implications for the electoral system and governance. The methodological framework of this study is grounded in qualitative document analysis, encompassing a diverse range of sources such as legal documents, government publications, academic literature, and media sources. Through rigorous content analysis, the study identifies and examines historical trends and key themes that have shaped and influenced the electoral system over time. The study concludes by asserting that, despite the inherent challenges posed by its one-party structure, Vietnam's electoral system is continuously evolving with an aim to enhance representativeness and responsiveness. The findings suggest that while the system retains certain unique characteristics, it is progressively adapting to improve political representation and foster greater citizen participation in the governance process. Through this detailed examination, the paper provides valuable insights into the intricate relationship between electoral systems, political power, and citizen engagement in Vietnam.
Electoral Systems, the Communist Party of Vietnam, Political Representation, One-Party State, National Assembly, Socialist Governance, Political Participation.
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