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Abstract (English):
The purpose of the article is to identify the cultural contexts of the mechanism of digital transformation of public administration within the boundaries of the Western and eastern models of the political process. The main research method is a comparative analysis of the mechanisms of public goal-setting, which are determined by the picture of the world, a set of meanings and priority values that set the behavior patterns of an individual and groups in different civilizations. Digitalization radically changes the system of power-society-personality relations, experiencing the influence of cultural constants, the consequences of which are considered on the example of Great Britain and Japan. The trajectories of the Western and eastern models of digital transformation of public administration are compared by the following markers: 1) technologies for the implementation of artificial intelligence in the public administration system; 2) the mechanism of managerial decision-making in the “artificial intelligence” system. 3) the transformation of the power-society relationship and its consequences. The variables influencing the content and algorithm of functioning of the digital government model, influencing the effectiveness of the use of artificial intelligence technologies introduced into the system of modern public administration, have been identified. The theoretical significance of the research is seen in the formation of a research matrix that takes into account the different rate of change in management practices and functions of institutions in different cultural environments during the transition to a digital management model. The practical relevance of the study consists in the formulation of recommendations that allow to identify effective practices for the implementation of artificial intelligence in the process of public administration, which are most often located at the junction of different cultures.

e-government, public administration, digitalization, artificial intelligence, political culture
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