Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The concept of quality is considered in relation to graphic training in higher education. Among the wide variety of quality assurance issues, competent and result-oriented approaches to assessing the effectiveness (quality) of training are distinguished. It is noted that there are many questions for discussions, however, it is obvious that in the same case, the main role is played by monitoring and audit on the basis of a description of the expected learning outcomes. According to the Federal State Educational Standard, the graduate must be able to solve the “problems of design procedures” correctly, in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents, to draw up design documentation, use computer and information technologies, and automated design tools. This is the basis of the notorious competency - based approach to training, in which the requirements of certain employers, and not the scientific justification of the existence of the necessary knowledge, skills that do not deny the possessions, are dominated. The situation is described in which the St. Petersburg professional community first encountered a similar approach to training. There is a contradiction between the principles of D.V. Manturov, declaring the need for wide and versatile training of modern engineers, and reality. The comprehensive impact on the quality of preparation of the level of basic training of applicants, the transformations of the organizational structure of universities, attempts to reduce screening in the undergraduate and specialty through the introduction of specific rating systems and technological cards that allow students to certify students (not fulfilling the requirements of the Program) only by passing the minimum level of competence . On the example of an elite educational group, recruited under the Rostec Wings program, the problems of ensuring the quality of graphic training, a tendency to reduce the intellectual level of students due to total gadgetization are shown. It is noted that in this situation to ensure the possible quality of students' training, independent cathedral rating systems that stimulate the educational activities of students should be developed.

graphic disciplines, quality of education, rating system, diagnostic work, gadgetization

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