Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of this research is to study the role of the Student Council in the management of the educational organization. The article analyzes the main tasks, the place in the structure of the educational organization, the formation and functionality of the Student Council, as well as interaction with representatives of the administration of the educational organization. The possibilities of improving the work of the Council of Students and increasing its effectiveness in the management of an educational organization are being determined. The impact of membership in the Council of Students on the personal qualities of students is revealed. The results of a survey of students on the importance of the Student Council and their possible role in it are presented. The possibilities of practical application of this research are to conduct seminars or trainings for members of the Student Council in order to increase their competencies and effective work, raise awareness among the administration of the educational organization, as well as create recommendations for improving the work of the Student Council.

Student Council, management, educational organization, administration, pedagogical council, students, parents, teachers, functionality
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