Russian Federation
UDK 347.787 Архитектура. Здания. Памятники. Декоративно-прикладное искусство
UDK 378 Высшее образование. Высшая школа. Подготовка научных кадров
To the question: is the specialty of an architect either a purely technical or a purely creative specialty, we can say that the architect is somewhere in the middle. This conclusion can be drawn from the conclusion that an architect must take into account in his work much of what is inherent in a painter: knowledge of coloristics, mastery of volumetric and pictorial modeling of the shape of an object and other aspects of drawing and painting.
painting; pedagogy; painting in architecture; artistic perception
1. Vipper B.R. Vvedenie v istoricheskoe izuchenie iskusstva: uchebnik dlya vysshih uchebnyh zavedeniy [Tekst] / B.R. Vipper. – M.: Izdatel'stvo V. Shevchuk, 2015. 364 s.
2. Efimov A.V. Cvet+forma: Iskusstvo 20-21 vekov: zhivopis', skul'ptura, installyaciya, lend-art, digital-art: ucheb. posobie [Tekst] / A.V. Efimov. - M.: Izdatel'stvo BuksMart, 2014. - 616 s.
3. Osmolovskaya O.V., Musatov A.A. Risunok po predstavleniyu v teorii i uprazhneniyah. Ot geometrii k arhitekture: ucheb. posobie [Tekst] / O.V. Osmolovskaya, A.A. Musatov. – M.: Izdatel'stvo Arhitektura-S, 2015. – 412 s.