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Abstract (English):
Recent years have been marked by the interest of linguists in issues of communication in the field of veterinary medicine that plays an increasingly important role in the life of an individual and society. Communication skills are considered fundamental to the veterinary specialist model; their formation is addressed to primarily in terms of discourse and focuses on terminology. Aim. The article aims to identify the discursive potential of a number of syntactic constructions of oral veterinary discourse and outline research prospects. Methods. The following methods were used in the work: general scientific analysis, syntactic and discourse analysis. Results and scientific novelty. Turning to syntax in research on veterinary communication indicates its importance in the formation of this discourse which results in the need to study it in linguistic-discursive and methodological terms. The formation of the specific syntax of oral veterinary discourse is influenced by the characteristics of the specialist as a linguistic personality and their commitment to a certain structure of the reception. Models of questions adopted in humane medicine require careful adaptation to veterinary medicine. Pronouns and incomplete utterances can be a means of influencing the client. It seems productive to consider the place of the concept “syntactic constructions” among the concepts-characteristics of professional discourse. Practical significance. The results of the study contribute to the theory of veterinary discourse and can be used in a communication course in the field of veterinary medicine at a university, the development of which seems necessary due to the linguistically active nature of the veterinary profession

veterinary communication, veterinary discourse, syntax of discourse, syntactic constructions, typology of questions, at the vet’s, veterinary doctor-client interaction
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