Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article examines one of the most frequent and effective strategies in the structure of fraudulent discourse, namely the Strategy of appeal to luck. Speech tactics of manipulative influence within the framework of this strategy, types of messages and communication means used by the fraudster to influence the victim in order to create a certain psychological state are differentiated. The various roles in which con artists can appear, the characteristics of behavior in each of the role models, depending on the scenario and the result of the con planned by the criminal, are described. It is shown how the victim develops a psychological state of anticipation of sudden success in each type of communicative scenario. The main tactics of influence are identified: Tactics of creating a feeling of success in life, Tactics of providing means to achieve well-being, Tactics of instilling a sense of exclusivity. The content, methods of communication influence, the technical and communication means used, the behavioral characteristics of communication participants are revealed for each tactic based on reports of completed or failed acts of fraud posted by users on the pages of entertainment portals, thematic forums, online electronic publications, surveys of victims and interviews with victims.

fraud, discourse, fraudulent discourse, linguistic security, speech manipulation, communication strategies, luck, impact on the addressee
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