Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Voronezh, Russian Federation
Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
UDK 656.078.12 Координация перевозок между различными видами транспорта
In order to improve the quality of transport services, cooperation between road and long-distance transport, improve efficiency and timeliness, the freight transportation market needs a service-oriented model that solves transport problems based on customer requirements. Therefore, the study of the optimization of container transportation routes by public rail and a combination of modes of transport is important for improving the efficiency of transport services. When planning the transport needs of various shippers, it is necessary to develop reasonable transport solutions, usually controlling both total transport costs and total transportation time, planning optimal routes and choosing a combination of modes of transport. In this paper, the problem of optimizing the distribution of public railway transport on the basis of a non-stop mode is considered. The purpose of the developed mathematical model was to reduce the total cost of transportation and total time, as well as to limit the time window of railway service at transit hubs. A genetic algorithm is proposed to solve the problem of optimizing the implementation of intermodal freight transportation. Based on the characteristics of the model of this work, a matrix approach to coding is used for the task of optimizing the intermodal path, which reduces complexity and also preserves the genetic integrity of descendants.
Mathematical model, genetic algorithm, multimodal transportation, path optimization, transport network
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