Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 37.033 Образование и обучение в процессе изучения природы и наблюдений. Воспитание любви к природе
UDK 371.315 Методы обучения в зависимости от подачи учебного материала
The article discusses the problem of developing the ecological culture of primary school students in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education (FSES PGE) and the Federal Educational Program for Primary General Education (FEP PGE). The process of environmental education is built on the basis of the relationship between the values of environmental culture and traditional Russian spiritual and moral values. The criteria for the effectiveness of methodological work are highlighted. As an example, a scientific and methodological development for a lesson on the subject “The World Around Us” is presented.
ecological culture; traditional Russian spiritual and moral values; younger schoolchildren; methodological approach to environmental education
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