Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The authors highlight the main problem - reduction of mobility of modern children living in the digital space, gassy compressed urban environment. In the article, the Cossack games are presented with an indication of ergonomicobiomechanic factors, taking into account the ethnopedagic orientation that develops in educational institutions of various types. Cossack mobile games are considered in the Cossack classes of general education schools in the course of «Kubanvedenie», «Donology» and others as an element of Cossack culture. The importance of the ergonomic natural environment for the development of the personality is noted. In Cossack games, ergonomic space is distinguished in relation to the biomechanics of human movements. Note that biomechanics as a science implies human movements performed for a specific purpose and in this sense Cossack games can be a model of different types of movements when studying students and an example of the ergonomics of the natural environment in relation.

pedagogical biomechanics, ergonomic natural environment, ethnopedagogy, Cossack games

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