from 01.01.2022 until now
Saint Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
UDK 351/354 Государственное административное управление
The purpose of the study is to analyze the nature of the interaction of political networks between the authorities of St. Petersburg and representatives of large businesses during the implementation of projects in the field of ESG. The author chose the method of network analysis based on graph theory, in which a network model is formed - a graphical representation of a network consisting of nodes and connections between them. It is concluded that large St. Petersburg companies followed the trend of ESG transformation, while not only engaged in social investment, but also actively contact the authorities in solving these tasks. However, the number of links in the implementation of ESG projects over the period 2019-2021 has not changed significantly in the direction of increase or decrease, which indicates a stagnation in the pace of the transformation under consideration. The theoretical significance of the study lies in deepening the tools for researching the policies of economic and political actors in the field of ESG. The practical significance of the research lies in expanding the scope of network analysis in political research, including with the help of the Pajek program.
public administration, network analysis, ESG, green economy, network model, St. Petersburg
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