Russian Federation
UDK 316.776 Процесс коммуникации. Обмен информацией
Introduction. In the modern world, socially responsible communication and the social policy of business in relation to the state and society play a key role on which the growth of the company’s intangible assets and its financial well-being depends. The purpose of the article is to analyze the prerequisites for the emergence of socially responsible business communication in Russia and abroad, consider the stages of their development and draw up a periodization. Methodology and methods. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was a systematic approach that promotes ordering and systematization of many historical events and facts of social business initiatives into an integral unity. Research methods: analysis of literary sources, retrospective analysis, comparative analysis of Russian and Western practices of socially responsible communication and social business initiatives, synthesis, generalization. Results. Using a systematic approach, an analysis of Russian and global methodology for socially responsible behavior of companies and a historiographical review of communication activities in the context of social responsibility of business were made, and a periodization of the process of development of socially responsible communication of business in Russia and abroad was compiled. Scientific novelty lies in the systematization and periodization of the prerequisites and facts of the origin and development of socially responsible communication in Russia and abroad. Practical significance. The results of the study may be useful for improving socially responsible business communication.
socially responsible business communication, corporate social responsibility, social initiatives, sustainable development, ESG strategy
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