Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The development of digital technologies in the modern world, in particular artificial intelligence (AI), has brought about the creation of ChatGPT, a unique ChatGPT language model capable of communicating with humans. This article is devoted to the analysis of the functioning features of the ChatGPT language model, which is a product of artificial intelligence. Trained by a human, this model is able of communicating with users, creating the impression of full-fledged communication, vividly demonstrating that information exchange can occur not only between people, but also between a person and a machine. Communicative shifts of this kind have become possible as a result of the achievements of the digital revolution, which is shaping a new cyberspace of human existence. This indicates the radical changes that are taking place in society, and lead to a paradigm shift and the formation of new thinking and its embodiment in language. The purpose of this article is to analyze the terminology and its definitions, revealing the essence and functions of the ChatGPT language model. The tasks of this paper are defined by the purpose set for the investigation and boil down to a number of operations necessary to achieve it. The novelty of this work is due to the research material, which has become the subject of linguistic analysis for the first time. The methods used in the article, such as the semantic analysis of ChatGPT terminology, its synthesis, as well as classification, has made it possible to present the terminological system of this field in the process of creating new knowledge and contributing to effective communication. As a result of the analysis of the language units in question, the authors have managed to understand the operation associated with ChatGPT training, identifying the main functions of this language model, and tracing the ways of its further development.
terminology, ChatGPT, semantic analysis, functions, new knowledge
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