from 01.01.2023 until now
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
The growing competition in the labor market, high demands on the level of training of students by employers � all this is due to the dynamics of economic processes not only in our country, but also in the world as a whole. The article deals with the problem of the formation of supra-professional competencies in the conditions of professional training of a student. The influence of "soft skills" on professional formation and professional realization. The content analysis of the relevance of the possession of "soft skills" by future specialists was carried out in order to have a more holistic understanding of the situation in the Russian economy and to develop strategic decisions in the educational policy of educational institutions in the future. The article analyzes the research conducted in the field of higher education at different levels: international, Russian, local. The methodological basis of the study is the analysis of the assessment of supraprofessional competencies in Russian educational organizations, which was organized by the Presidential Platform of the ANO "Russia - the land of opportunities". The interpretation of the results of research on the assessment and development of supra-professional competencies by students in groups participating in the project is studied. The interpretation of business qualities that were not named as paramount is selectively considered. The purpose of the article is to analyze and generalize the concept of vocational education and the result of sociological research on the assessment of students' supra
soft skills, supra-professional competencies, intellectual and creative potential, professional education, professional development, leadership, emotional intelligence, strategic thinking
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