The article describes the practical experience of the children's creativity festival "Dialogue of Arts", organized as part of the innovative activities of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution "Institute of Art Education and Cultural Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences". The starting point of the festival was the method of the innovative teacher E.Ya. Smelova "making music for everyone", who developed a musical instrument to introduce children to collaborative creativity, to reveal the creative potential of each child. Within the framework of the festival, the interaction of various areas of art is carried out - artistic and musical creativity, animation, dance, theatrical art and others, as well as the professional growth of teachers, the possibility of creative unification of children, parents and teachers.
Festival, creativity, art, dialogue of arts, creative environment, education by creativity
1. Tvorcheskaya laboratoriya «Svirel'» // URL:
2. Festival' Konkurs «Dialog iskusstv» // URL: