Russian Federation
UDK 336.717.32 Срочные депозиты
Until 2018, a savings certificate was a very attractive and popular banking product, but after changes in legislation that led to the abolition of bearer savings certificates, credit institutions stopped issuing them in 2018. In turn, credit institutions prefer not to issue registered savings certificates, since for the banks themselves it is more profitable to place household funds in deposits rather than in registered bank certificates. The article assesses the reasons for the ban on bearer certificates and establishes their insufficient justification. The relevance of the topic under study is due not only to the presence of the above-mentioned legal problem, which requires a legislative response, but also to the increased need of the Russian economy for «long-term money» over the past two years. The President of the Russian Federation, in his Address to the Federal Assembly in February 2024, proposed at the legislative level to provide special conditions for the placement of irrevocable certificates that would encourage the population to invest money in them. The article analyzes the idea of issuing irrevocable certificates and evaluates the conditions for their placement in terms of their attractiveness to the population.
savings certificate, securities, personal savings certificate, bearer savings certificate, irrevocable savings certificate, time deposit, documentary security.
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