Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of this research work is to identify the factors that determine the constructive potential of promoting Bulgarian political parties in the digital environment. To achieve this goal, the article examines the practical experience of using social networks in political campaigns in Bulgaria. At the same time, it is noted that modern digital platforms and social networks are widely used in the country under consideration to communicate with voters in the processes of forming public opinion. To achieve the goal set in the work, the methods of content analysis and discourse analysis of the political segment of the Bulgarian digital space, as well as the Case Study method in the aspect of studying the specifics of the use of digital communication tools by political parties in Bulgaria in the social media space during election campaigns, were used as a methodological basis for the study. Through content analysis, the content parameters of information and communication interaction with the electorate of leading Bulgarian politicians were analyzed in terms of their influence on public opinion. The article examines the cases of information and communication interaction with the electorate of B. Borisov, K. Ninova, R. Radev and H. Ivanov. The paper shows that as a result of the successful application of modern digital technologies of socio-political communication with target electoral audiences, the Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria party demonstrated the ability to effectively interact with voters through the successful introduction of digital technologies during the election campaign, while the Bulgarian Socialist Party, The party "We continue the Changes" and the electoral bloc "Democratic Bulgaria" have demonstrated significantly less effective work with the electorate in the social media space. Based on the results of the work, the authors conclude that digital platforms and social networks are widely used in Bulgaria today for effective socio-political communication with voters and in shaping public opinion of the country's population.

digital communications, election campaigns, political agitation, social media, political parties
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