UDK 338.46 Сфера услуг. Экономика сферы услуг
The article is devoted to the issues of conducting a competent assessment of the readiness of a financial institution to implement artificial intelligence. The paper describes the term "artificial intelligence", identifies the role of the phenomenon in the work of banking organizations, defines the directions of application of the tool for optimizing the organization's activities, examines the main limitations and factors affecting the availability of advanced technologies in the established conditions. The analysis of foreign and domestic experience in assessing the maturity of organizations is carried out. Methodological tools of the research: analysis of statistical sources of information. As the study showed, the introduction of artificial intelligence technology becomes a necessary attribute in the work of financial organizations, and the availability of competent implementation affects the quality of the product and the competitiveness of the company. It is concluded that an important task of the state is to assist organizations from a legislative point of view.
artificial intelligence in banking, AI-maturity of the organization, methodology of assessment of banking organizations, directions of AI implementation
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