Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The work presents a solution to the problem of developing mathematical support for an information and control system for storing products with a limited shelf life using the example of storing sugar beets in field conditions and in heaps at sugar factories based on experimental experiments published in the open press data. An end-to-end ranking of methods for storing root crops was carried out, starting with a root lying separately on the field (rank 0.1 points), from simple windrows and heaps (rank 0.2 points) to specialized root storage and ventilated piles covered with special bactericidal coatings with reflective and protective properties (rank 4 points). An end-to-end ranking of mechanical damage to sugar beet roots has been implemented, starting from 1 point (the root crop is practically undamaged) to 0.1 point (fragments and tails). The studied hybrids were ranked according to sugar content. Based on the rankings, taking into ac-count storage time and temperature, mathematical models (mm) of the dependence of technological indica-tors of beet raw materials, including losses of beet mass and sucrose, on storage parameters were built for each study. Extensive computational experiments were per-formed using an interactive identification and optimization system (isio), which is based on a genetic algorithm and the Hooke Jeeves nonlinear programming method. The errors of the developed models do not exceed the errors of the experimental data used to construct them.

Controlled storage, sugar root crop, safety indicators, ranking, mathematical model

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