Sofiya, Bulgaria
The purpose of the article is to propose basic statements (a conditional general name for law, regularity, principle and rule) about the geometry of technical objects and about the process of their design, which, together with existing and future statements, form the geometric foundations of design. 26 statements are presented and a classification, functions and properties of geometry are proposed from the point of view of distribution and the importance of the latter for the technical object and the design process.In their entirety, the presented statements are proof of the importance and influence of geometry in the design process. The work substantiates the possibility of obtaining partially or completely the geometry of any other part or assembled unit, conditionally called a recipient, from any part or assembled unit, conditionally called a donor. It is shown that any “item” (a term for naming anything, regardless of type, structures and characteristics) can be used to change the geometry of any technical object. The impact of the geometry on the flowing through and passing through the substance, the influence of the flows on the geometry, as well as the influence of the geometry on the properties of the substance are noted. It is emphasized that geometry is a fundamental „building block“ of both the technical object and the design process. The well-deserved placement of geometry at the center of the design activity gives a new perspective on the design process, which expands the possibilities and tools for its realization.
geometry, technical object, design, importance of geometry, statements about geometry
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