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Abstract (English):
The article discusses the main problems of the water resources of the state of Chad, located in the central part of Africa. There are no permanent watercourses in the north of the country, but only temporary ones. In the southern part there is Lake Chad, into which the Shari and Logon Rivers flow. Due to the lack of modern wastewater disposal systems, water bodies are polluted with wastewater. In addition, Lake Chad is getting very shallow. Oil production also leads to pollution of water resources. To solve the problems promptly, finances should be allocated for the construction of modern water supply and sanitation systems, increase the water content of the country's water bodies by transferring wastewater from the Congo River, as well as use the experience of qualified foreign specialists in the field of environmental protection and integrated use of water resources.

water resources, ecology, river, Chad, water supply, sanitation, construction
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