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Abstract (English):
In the modern information society, the role of various forms of communication is actualized. Advertising, being one of the forms of communication, has a direct impact on the ethical attitudes of society, forming the consciousness of the mass audience. The problem of ethics of advertising messages has been comprehensively studied by the scientific community, but the relationship between ethics and communication as two aspects of the impact of advertising discourse on society is not considered in most works. The purpose is to analyze the communicative component of the ethics of advertising discourse and to consider the use of ethical concepts in advertising communication. Methodology. Comparative, comparative, and linguistic scientific methods were used to conduct the analysis. The practical basis of the research is the material of modern advertising discourse. Outcomes. As a result of the study, the definition of advertising ethics was formulated, taking into account its communicative nature. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the consideration of the ethics of advertising discourse through the prism of communication theory. The practical significance of the study lies in the consideration of the communicative aspect of advertising communication from the standpoint of ethics, which ensures the formation of a healthy society and reduces the negative impact of the manipulative nature of advertising. The results of the study will be useful both to specialists studying advertising communication and to practitioners of the advertising industry in terms of advertising ethics.

ethics, advertising discourse, communication discourse, advertisement, professional ethics
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