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Abstract (English):
rom the perspective of intercultural communication and offers a comparative analysis between the ancient Chinese concept of 中 (zhong) and the theory of transitivity of V.V. Babaytseva, in whose grammatical teaching one of the most important concepts is syncretism. An attempt is made to reveal the similarities and differences between the two concepts and to prove the mental preparedness of the Chinese to perceive the theory of transitivity and the concept syncretism of V.V. Babaytseva. In the process of analysis, etymological and comparative methods are used to clarify the similarities and differences between the philosophical tradition of Chinese culture and the content of the concept representing the essence of grammatical theory. The term “syncretism” in linguistics has a special meaning, is an important concept in the theory of transitivity and reflects its main content. The concept of 中 (zhong) reflects the mental characteristic of the Chinese, for whom the intermediate part is often more important than the extreme points. We assume that in Chinese culture and communication is provided the basis for Chinese to perceive this Russian linguistic theory. The principles of Chinese philosophy lay the mental foundation for the Chinese perception of the theory of transitivity and syncretism and confirm the possibility of their application in the practice of teaching Russian in China

the concept of 中 (zhong), 中庸 (zhongyong), the grammatical theory of transitivity of V.V. Babaytseva, syncretism, transitional phenomena, intercultural communication, philosophy
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