Russian Federation
from 01.01.2016 until now
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Nationally oriented teaching is one of the leading directions in the theory and practice of teaching Russian language as a means of intercultural communication. The need to train, in the absence of a language environment, specialists in various fields with knowledge of the Russian language, who will have to interact with their Russian colleagues and partners in the professional and everyday spheres, poses the task of developing effective means of teaching the Russian language. This article is devoted to the consideration of the concept of creating such a teaching tool — a nationally oriented linguistic and cultural educational dictionary for Vietnamese citizens studying the Russian language as a means of intercultural communication “Russia — Vietnam: a handshake of cultures”. The purpose of the article is to describe the features of the proposed macroand microstructure of the dictionary, to consider the linguistic and methodological tasks facing it, as well as issues related to its relevance and prospects for use. Based on the analysis of the data obtained during the preparation of the concept of the dictionary, the authors substantiate the principles for the formation of its content and structure: the selection of vocabulary is based on research in the field of contrastive semantics based on Russian-Vietnam ese comparisons; ideographic classification and classification of communicative intentions form the basis of the macrostructure of the dictionary. The article also presents the authors classification of speech intentions, used in the future dictionary, and examples of nationally oriented exercises for the formation of cross-cultural competence. The scientific novelty and practical significance of the research presented in the article are determined by the relevance and demand for the considered dictionary. As a tool for developing cross-cultural competence, the dictionary “Russia — Vietnam: Handshake of Cultures” will contribute not only to increasing the level of proficiency in Russian language as a means of intercultural communication in the process of learning and teaching, but also to further strengthening mutual understanding between representatives of two friendly countries and peoples.
nationally oriented, linguistic and regional studies, educational dictionary, concept, macro- and microstructure, Russian language
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