Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the result of a study that will help to consider the dynamics of the development of the main indicators in the process of adaptation to work at school for a novice teacher. This study will help to correctly draw up a mentor's work plan with a young teacher, at the right time to provide him with professional support, which is an important component in his further decision to stay or leave school. The analysis of graphs was also carried out and the patterns of development of the main indicators in the process of adaptation for a novice specialist were revealed. Based on the results obtained, the time frame for the onset of professional crises of a young teacher was determined, which can become his turning points in the desire to work at school, to determine important ranges for the work of a mentor with a young teacher.

mentoring, adaptation period, young teacher, adaptation indicators, schedule of dynamics of indicators development during the adaptation period, emotional background, motivation to work, actual return to work, support of a young teacher, support, work plan

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