Russian Federation
The article deals with the procedures of internal and external assessment of students’ educational achievements in accordance with the requirements of the updated FSES of basic general education. The structure and interrelations of these procedures are described. Final evaluation and interim certification of students in informatics at the level of basic general education are compared in terms of content and legal characteristics of these procedures. A generalized plan and a variant of the final control work on computer science of advanced level for 7th grade, created in accordance with the requirements of the updated FSES of basic general education and FOP LLC. The correct answers to tasks 1–13 are given. The criteria for assigning points for practical task 14, as well as the procedure for converting points into marks in computer science are described in detail. It is intended for heads of educational organizations implementing programs of basic general education, teachers of informatics and methodologists in informatics.
subject results, computer science, final evaluation, internal and external evaluation, evaluation criteria, interim certification
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