UDK 530.145.1 Основные проблемы
UDK 530.145.6 Волновая механика. Волновые свойства частиц
UDK 50 Общие вопросы математических и естественных наук
The article presents a modification of the double-slit experiment with electrons, which makes it possible to make non-trivial predictions regarding the behavior of electrons when illuminated by low-energy photons along the part of trajectory from the electrons source to the double-slit plate. These predictions follow from the concept of space-time duality and have no rational explanation within the framework of quantum mechanics accepted today.
duality of space-time, double-slit experiment, probability wave, verification, quantum mechanics.
1. Baliev L.O. Metafizicheskie osnovaniya fizicheskoy real'nosti // Novye idei v filosofii. Vyp.11 (32) 2023, S.21-34.
2. Baliev L.O. Sdvoennost' prostranstva-vremeni i paradoksy kvantovoy mehaniki // Zhurnal filosofskih issledovaniy. 2023. №. 4. S. 19-28.
3. Feynman R., Leyton R., Sends M. Feynmanovskie lekcii po fizike. T.3. M.: Mir, 1967. 238 s.