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Abstract (English):
The work investigates the role of proactive behavior of employees to intensify organizational learning, which is a key driver of the organizational effectiveness of a modern company. The authors propose to consider proactive behavior through three components: individual self-development, proactive behavior and commitment to the organization. In the context of three components, behavioral attitudes and personal factors that stimulate and hinder proactive behavior of employees are determined, and the features of behavioral patterns in the Russian business environment are identified. At the same time, the organizational culture, oriented toward the creation of new knowledge and the dissemination of existing knowledge, acts as a predictor of proactive behavior of personnel, determining ideas and values regarding company knowledge. Using empirical data from 110 Russian companies, using the partial least squares method, the paper proves the presence of a mediating effect of proactive behavior of personnel on the influence of knowledge culture on the company's organizational learning.

proactive behavior, knowledge culture, organizational Learning, Russian companies
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