Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Object. Vneshnieimmigranty and local workers on the Russian labor market. Subject. Differentsiatsiyatrudovyh income between vneshnimiimmigrantami and local workers. The theoretical side of the subject. The study is based on the provisions of the theory of discrimination, according to which the labor income of workers with the same performance characteristics may vary. The reasons for the differences can be to the prejudice of employers in respect of certain types of workers in the segregation of jobs and others. In this paper we consider what contribution is discrimination, regardless of its causes, the inequality of labor income between foreign immigrants and local workers. The empirical side of subject. Issledovanie was performed on data from the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring health HSE (RLMS) for 2004–2012. For the first time these data were developed criteria for determining the category of foreign immigrants and their number is calculated for the Russian labor market. To assess disparities in labor earnings between immigrants and foreign national workers has been the method of decomposition of Oaxaca-Blinder. The estimates were made on average over the whole period, as well as taking into account fluctuations in demand in times of economic cycles: pre-crisis period (2004-2007), during the crisis (2008–2009) and after the crisis period (2010–2012). Goal. The purpose of this paper is to calculate the contribution of observable and unobservable factors in the inequality of labor income on the basis of dekompozitsiiOksaki-Blinder, opredelitrazmer and reasons for the differences in labor income between foreign immigrants and local workers. Basic theoretical and empirical article. The results showed that the labor income vneshnihimmigrantovna Russian labor market on average 15% lower than the labor income of local workers. This inequality in labor income increases during the economic crisis (21%) and decreased in noncrisis years (11–13%). Differentiation in labor earnings between immigrants and foreign national workers is reduced in the Russian labor market due to the observed sociodemographic characteristics of workers, but increases due to factors that are associated with discrimination. Due to the dominance of the discriminatory effect against foreign immigrants their incomes lag behind in terms of the labor income of local workers. The contribution of discrimination in labor income inequality between foreign immigrants and local workers decreased during the economic crisis, but after its completion increased again. The findings suggest that the level of inequality of labor income between external immigrants and local workers on the Russian labor market is similar to those of the labor markets in some European countries (Germany, Portugal). At the same factors related to discrimination in Russia have a greater impact on inequality in labor income than in Europe. Conclusions. It was found that inequality in labor earnings between vneshnimi immigrantami and local workers in the Russian market truda obuslovleno not so much differences in their socio-demographic characteristics as to the factors that are associated with discrimination against workers. Given the shortage of manpower the state employment policy measures should be designed to overcome discrimination and increase competition in the Russian labor market.

immigration, Differentiation of labor income, Oaxaca- Blinder method, the Russian labor market.

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