Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M. V. Lomonosova
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 378 Высшее образование. Высшая школа. Подготовка научных кадров
The relevance of the presented study lies in the need to bring to a new level such a sector of the national economy as tourism and the hospitality industry, including through the art of management, as clearly evidenced by the materials of the National project "Tourism and the hospitality industry" and the Federal project "Improvement of management in the field of tourism. The purpose of the presented research is to update the basic course "Management of tourism and the hospitality industry" as a discipline that reveals management in the area under consideration as a combination of science, art and practice, adequate to the modern postindustrial era. The scientific novelty of the results obtained consists in determining the main components of the basic course of the discipline "Management of tourism and the hospitality industry" as an applied direction of management in relation to modern geopolitical and economic conditions of development, including consideration of such aspects as: the tourist complex as an object of management, the contribution of tourism and the hospitality industry to the achievements of national the goals of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation; key tasks for the development of tourism and the hospitality industry in the Russian Federation, the management system in tourism as a subject of management; organization of management in the tourism industry; tourism potential of the Russian Federation; "Cornerstones" of the tourism business; tourism and hospitality industry in the development of the tourism industry in the Russian Federation; the role of the national project "Tourism and Hospitality Industry" in the development of the tourism industry in the Russian Federation"; features of applied management in the field of tourism and hospitality industry. The practical significance of the results obtained lies in the possibility of their use to improve the processes of personnel training in the interests of realizing the tourism potential of the Russian Federation, the level of which today is assessed as unsatisfactory
adaptation, basic course, Tourism and Hospitality Management, modern requirements, post-industrial era
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