Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the research of the reasons for the formation of teenagers aged from 11 to 14 years old addiction to gadgets and describes the mechanism of this formation. Approximately 9% of children and young people all over the world who play computer games or go online are officially diagnosed with addiction. The research methods and sampling were held as part of the educational activities of the Family, Women, and Children Affairs Committee and he Committee on Education and Science of the public organization “The sovereign course” with participation of teachers and psychologists: Levitskaya N.V., Frolova O.S., Fakhrieva O.N., Konoshenko K.N., speech therapist Belikova T. N., teacher off technology and entrepreneurship Kotova M.S., Gultyaeva A. V. As part of the research surveys and interviews were conducted with 30 groups: students of a general education school aged from 12 to 14 and their families (parents, siblings and immediate family members). In a secondary school, an observation was made among 5th and 8th grades for 3 months in order to identify adolescents' dependence on the phones. Based on the results of all types of research, the problem of addiction to gadgets and its reasons were identified, and steps to overcome this addiction were developed. It was revealed that the lack of quality relationships between parents and children has led children escaping into the virtual world of the gadgets, compensating the lack of love and attention The surveys and observations data of the teenagers aged 11-14 years old and their parents are analyzed in detail in the article. The recommendations on how to overcome teenagers' addiction to gadgets are given based on the observation, analysis and practical experience of teachers and psychologists.

addiction, gadgets, reasons, teenagers, parents, non realisation, recommendations, overcoming, mechanisms, experiment
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