Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the main directions of the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the political life of society. It is noted that the level and quality of life of the population depends on the pace of AI implementation in various spheres of public life. The analysis of the conducted research in the format of an expert interview allows us to identify the key trends, advantages and challenges faced by the Russian political system in the implementation of AI. The results of the expert survey provide valuable practical recommendations and a basis for discussing possible directions for the development of AI in political management in Russia. The article notes the insufficient elaboration of the problems of artificial intelligence in the Russian scientific, in particular, political science discourse, which, in turn, is seen as promising in increasing research opportunities. The aim of the work is to identify the main trends in the use of artificial intelligence in political management and the prospects for its development in the political sphere of society. The consideration of the problem was based on the results of an initiative political and sociological study in the format of an expert interview (N=7). The following general scientific methods were used to analyze the results obtained: description, analysis, synthesis, classification. The study also used SWOT analysis to identify the strengths and weaknesses of using AI in the field of domestic state policy and electoral systems, as well as to show the opportunities and threats of its use. The analysis of the results of the expert survey showed that artificial intelligence is most in demand in such areas as analytics, decision-making, scenario forecasting, political communications, improving the efficiency of political institutions, especially the electoral system, monitoring voter sentiment, and in the field of security. Highlighting the shortcomings in the use of AI, experts noted the possible subjectivity and bias in decision-making, the problem of transparency and protection of personal data. As solutions to this problem, the development of appropriate regulations protecting the human right to confidentiality and privacy, "transparent" algorithms, and careful selection of data on the basis of which AI makes decisions were proposed. The prospect of further research lies in the development of ethical standards that can ensure transparency and security in the implementation of AI in political systems. An important conclusion of the article is the conclusion that there is an objective need to develop a regulatory framework and conduct regular inspections of AI systems to maintain trust and effective use of digital technologies in politics.

artificial intelligence (AI), political management, electoral systems, political communication, forecasting
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