Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article analyzes the results of a study aimed at identifying the assessment by university students of the role of physical culture in the upbringing and development of personality. During the implementation of the project, a sociological survey was conducted on the basis of the author's questionnaire, in which 124 students of the Omsk branch of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation who have no restrictions on physical education for health reasons took part. The results of the study give grounds to assert that only 41% of students regularly engage in physical culture and sports. At the same time, the overwhelming majority of respondents noted the positive impact of classes on physical health and the development of important personal qualities such as, for example, willpower, self-confidence and purposefulness. The low motivation of respondents to engage in physical culture and sports, to a large extent, as the survey showed, is due to the lack of commitment to a healthy lifestyle in many families (84%). In addition, physical education classes do not take into account individual characteristics and current fitness techniques to the proper extent, which also contributes to a decrease in students' interest. An important component of the formation of a positive attitude among young people to physical culture and sports is the equipment of university gyms with modern physical education equipment and inventory. The results of the study can be used in the development of programs of the discipline "Physical Culture" and effective methods that contribute to the development of sustainable motivation among students to engage in physical culture and sports not only during their studies at the university, but also throughout their lives.

universities, students, physical culture, questionnaire, personality development

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