Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article describes the concept of functional literacy, provides approaches to understanding its components, and also presents a technology aimed at developing this skill using digital tools. One of the problems of school education is the formalism of knowledge and the inability of students to apply subject knowledge to solve life problems in various fields, in connection with which the issue of forming and increasing the level of functional literacy of modern schoolchildren becomes relevant. This work has a systematic and complex character and should be carried out within the framework of both classroom and extracurricular activities. The article focuses on the formation and improvement of the level of functional literacy in computer science lessons as a science characterized by interdisciplinarity, fundamentality and practice orientation. A technology for the formation of functional literacy based on B. Bloom's hierarchy of educational goals which includes six levels is proposed, the article also presents technologies and tools for the implementation of educational goals in accordance with the types of activities at each level.

functional literacy, functional literacy components, Bloom’s taxonomy, digital technologies, pedagogical wheel, functional literacy development technologies, computer science
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