Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this paper it has been demonstrated that in modern economic science there is a large number of theoretical approaches, positions, and views on the differential rent category conceptualization, as well as on the methodology for determining its size and mechanisms of this rent withdrawal and distribution. The history of the classical views on the rent has been reported. It has been marked that after release of D. Worcester work “Rent Theory Revision” the extremely profitable concept of differential rent becomes more and more popular in economic circles, the rent starts to be considered as part of the profit and therefore its distribution between oil and gas companies and government becomes legitimate. In March of this year the “Drilling and Oil” journal published a paper “Arctic Oil and Gas Rents” (the authors A.V. Semenov, Yu.S. Rudenko, Yu.V. Razowski, Yu.N. Makarkin), where questions of differential rent, the interest to which has increased due to the upcoming development of Arctic fields, once again have being considered from the standpoint of super-profits. In connection therewith in this paper the author argues against the views published in the paper “Arctic Oil and Gas Rents” on the theoretical issues related to substance of differential rent, rental income classification, methods of rent size determining and options of rent withdrawal or distribution.

criticism, differential rent, natural conditions of mining, settlement price, settlement centers, polar payments, differential rent withdrawal mechanism, quasi-rent.

В современной экономической науке существует достаточно большое число теоретических подходов, позиций и взглядов на осмысление категории «дифференциальная рента», а также методики определения ее размеров и механизмы ее изъятия и распределения. С выходом работы Д. Ворчестер «Пересмотр теории ренты» в экономических кругах все большую популярность находит «сверхприбыльная концепция дифференциальной ренты», рента начинает рассматриваться как часть прибыли и поэтому ее распределение между нефтегазовыми компаниями и государством вполне правомерно. Однако это не так. Дифференциальная рента выступает как доход от собственности на недра, полностью принадлежащий государству.


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