Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 371.315 Методы обучения в зависимости от подачи учебного материала
UDK 37.035.6 Национальное, народное, патриотическое воспитание.Воспитание в духе национальной общности
The article, based on the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and the Federal Work Program for Primary General Education for the purposes of studying the history of Russia and the content of historical ideas, discusses the problem of developing historical ideas among junior schoolchildren as a component of the integrated course “The World Around us.” Approaches to designing the process of studying the most striking pages of Russian history are analyzed, taking into account the psychological characteristics of the assimilation of historical time and space by children of primary school age. Examples of tasks aimed at understanding the basic characteristics of historical phenomena are given: fact, image, connection and detail.
Russian history, historical memory, civil-patriotic feelings, historical fact, historical image, connection of historical phenomena, historical detail
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