Russian Federation
Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
UDK 331.08 Персонал отделов кадров
Staff training is a key business process in the management of human resources of an organization in both the short and long term. The article is devoted to the audit of the initial construction of the personnel training system in PJSC Rostelecom based on the analysis of regulatory documentation. The formation and use of a system of in-house training of personnel based on sustainable education requires an undeniable competitive advantage in the form of personnel, always relevant to the market of knowledge, skills and communication. However, the formation and formation of a personnel training system of this type is extremely difficult from an organizational and methodological point of view, as well as from a technological process. A comparative analysis of the development of the in-house continuing education model and the current model of the training system of PJSC Rostelecom highlighted the development, which may adversely affect the implementation of in-house continuing education processes in the short and, especially, in the long term. PJSC Rostelecom recommends presenting a working model of the training system with principles that would make structuring the training system more familiar.
human resource management, personnel training, training rationale, in-house continuous training
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