Khanty-Mansiysk (Yugorskaya) regional public organisation of the Free Economic Society of Russia (Deputy head)
Surgut, Russian Federation
UDK 331.1 Теория и организация труда. Взаимоотношения между предприятием и персоналом, между работодателями и работающими, между трудом и капиталом
The article presents the capabilities of a dashboard as an effective tool for effective HR analytics. The authors consider a dashboard as a visual page in the form of a panel, which automatically displays all the necessary data (information about personnel, their tasks, schedules, personnel performance indicators, etc.) to control various management processes and make an intelligent decision based on the available information. information. In this system, you can receive several reports on the activities of personnel in the organization at once, identify both global and local problems in the organization based on automatic data analysis for promptly making competent management decisions. The article presents a comparative description of software for building dashboards in HR analytics. An analysis of the criteria for using software when constructing dashboards in HR analytics was carried out. The authors present the main advantages and risks of using dashboards in HR analytics. The results of the author's research on the relevance of using HR analytics tools in personnel management are presented. This study was conducted to identify the role of the dashboard in the analytics of an organization’s data for high-quality monitoring and control over various management processes and making competent decisions on personnel issues of the enterprise. The article presents, developed by the authors, a logical diagram of the process of developing and implementing HR analytics in the personnel management system (formation and development of the emotional competence of managers and HR specialists using dashboards). The industry specific features of organizations are considered in which, according to the authors of the study, the use of HR analytics of the emotional state (at the level of objective physiological indicators) using dashboards will be relevant. The article presents a model for introducing HR analytics into personnel management using dashboards (for the formation and development of the emotional competence of managers and HR specialists).
HR analytics, dashboards in HR analytics, possibilities and risks of using dashboards, research of HR analytics tools, model for introducing HR analytics into personnel management
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