Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Legal basis of the assessment system efficiency of the educational institutions founded by the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” and the Federal Law “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on an Independent Assessment of the Quality of Service Delivery Organizations in the Sphere of Culture, Social Services, Health and Education”. It has developed an extensive practice of regional, municipal and local regulatory evaluation of the effectiveness of educational organizations. As a result, educational institutions are closely monitored both by the founder — the state authorities at federal, regional and municipal levels, and by society — consumers of educational services. Approved by the extensive list of criteria, the performance indicators of educational organizations. In addition, it introduced several types of evaluation procedures: assessment of the effectiveness of the educational organization, carried out by the founder, independent evaluation of the quality of education, self-examination, monitoring the effectiveness of educational organizations. Each of these assessment procedures contains a certain number of performance indicators of the educational organization. The author analyzes the figures approved for the purpose of determining an effective way of educational organization on the basis of existing regulatory reality.

Education, assessment, quality, efficiency, education authorities, performance indicators.

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