Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of teaching English to students experiencing difficulties in semantic and agrammatic dyslexia. The purpose of the study is to identify effective methods and strategies that can help students overcome these difficulties in the process of learning English in a non-linguistic university. As part of this work, a literature review was conducted, including scientific publications and research on the topic of teaching English in the presence of dyslexia. The classification of dyslexia was considered, its semantic and agrammatic manifestations were highlighted. As a result of the study, the main difficulties that students face when learning English in the context of dyslexia were highlighted. In the course of the work, recommendations were proposed for English language teachers that will help them to work effectively with students of non-linguistic universities with manifestations of semantic and agrammatic dyslexia.

semantic dyslexia, agrammatic dyslexia, English language teaching, approaches to learning, adaptation of educational material

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