Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction. The article is devoted to the consideration of the world fund of aphoristic units as a unique example of the spiritual and mental globalization of people, regardless of their nationality and citizenship. National archives of aphorisms are the quintessence of the depth of human mental activity in the active contemplation of the world. They are a kind of universal supra-ethnic information archive of universal values and truths and are considered by us in the light of their intercultural significance as a means of smoothing national differences and bringing together different ethnic cultures. Aim. The purpose of the article is to show that national aphoristic archives can be seen as a positive example of cultural globalization and used as a means of smoothing out national differences and uniting different nations, cultures and countries. Met¬ho¬do¬logy and re¬se¬arch met¬hods. A comparative analysis of some collections of aphorisms and an analysis of the content side of aphoristic rhetoric were the main methods for achieving this goal. Results. The themes of aphorisms are not directly indicative of any specific period of human history and also do not have any pronounced ethnic specificity. Aphorisms mainly characterize a person as a Human, regardless of ethnicity, citizenship and historical eras, and proclaim universal human values. Scientific novelty. Aphorisms are considered as a unique example of the spiritual and mental globalization of people regardless of their nationality and citizenship in the light of their intercultural significance as a means of smoothing out national differences and bringing together different nations, cultures and countries. Practical significance. The world fund of aphoristic units is a universal supra-ethnic information archive of universal human values and truths, has a significant potential for smoothing out contradictions (ethnic, religious, gender, political, etc.) and can be used in all contexts of the modern world as a reconciling and harmonizing factor.

globalization, aphorism, national mentality, spiritual values
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