Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction. The article considers the genre of German haiku as an element of a communicative act stipulating certain dialogue between the addresser (haiku poet) and the recepient (reader). The aim of research is to identify communicative strategies and tactics representing the communicative behavior of contemporary haiku authors. Methodology and research methods. The research work used methods of systematization and generalization of the scientific material, descriptive-analytical method, method of linguistic and stylistic analysis of the text. Results. It has been shown that the author's intention in the texts of modern German haiku is explicated through two basic strategies — tranquility and annoyance. Each strategy is represented by a set of main tactics. In particular, the strategy of tranquility includes tactics of observation and adaptation, the strategy of annoyance involves tactics of breaking the taboo topics, intimidation, and creating a negative mood. In the 21st century, due to the haiku genre evolution and transformation of the social values it is possible to adopt a micro-diachronic approach to the research of changes in the communicative behavior of haiku poets in the light of the communicative strategies dichotomy. Previously haiku poems were composed exclusively according to the canons of Japanese poetry. This fact also determines the relevance of the study. Scientific novelty lies in the study of the specifics of communicative strategies and tactics, the norms of artistic communication in terms of German haiku genre. The practical significance is determined by the possibility of using the obtained scientific results in special university basic courses on literary translation, discourse theory, linguistic and stylistic interpretation of the text.

German poetic discourse, haiku, communicative behavior, communicative strategy, taboo themes
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