Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The number of macro- and micro-morphological thymus parameters of specimen of four classes of vertebrate animals (Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves, Mammalia, including a human) were: the mass index of thymus, the cortico-medulare index, the index of lenth, width and thickness of thymus, the total area of blood vessels of thymus, the number and the overall dimensions of hassles corpuscles, the number of cortical thymocytes and the medullary substance of thymus. The mathematical models were constructed by means of discriminant analysis. These mathematical models have shown the features of macro- and micro-morphological parameters of thymus of vertebrate animals and human. This research has shown how morphological parameters of thymus influence each other. The work also presents a level of impact of each morphological parameter on morphologi-cal structure of thymus. The discriminant mathematical models have revealed the similarities and the differences in the structure of thymus gland of vertebral animals which are remarkable for the organization level, biological features and for their adaptation to the habitat. The dependence of the morphology of the thymus on the capacity of energy metabolism of the organism was shown in article. The article presents the results of the anthropogenic environment influence on the morphology of human thymus.

vertebrate animals, thymus, macro- and micro-morphological parameters, discriminant analysis.

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