Academician of the International Academy of Management (akademik)
UDK 332.05 Динамичные, качественные и количественные аспекты. Изменения (трансформации, преобразования, превращения). Прогресс.Регресс
In the context of a changing external environment, the issue of achieving sustainable development of society, which ensures the survival and competitiveness of the state as a whole, is particularly acute. The events of recent years demonstrate that the rules of the game are changing and the modern world order is being transformed. Under these conditions, the postulates of an exclusively liberal model of a market economy should be revised and a planned market economy should be built, which involves strengthening the regulatory influence of the state, without violating and cultivating at the same time, the ecosystem of the business environment.
Regulatory impact, government regulation, business environment, institutionalism
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