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Abstract (English):
There is widespread recognition that the success of any organization depends in part on the quality of its leadership. This quality includes both leadership abilities and the ability to manage effectively. Within the framework of interpersonal skills, one of the key elements is the ability to establish and maintain fruitful relationships with colleagues. These relations, in turn, are determined by the orientation of the personality, including motives, goals and attitude to the surrounding world. Individual goals and motives are formed under the influence of personality orientation, which, ultimately, is reflected in the behavior of each person. In the context of the organization, the article examines the influence of the manager's management style on the personality orientation of his subordinates, and in this regard, the impact of these factors on the creation of a favorable psychological climate in the collective. This climate is focused on ensuring the satisfaction of employees with their work within the organization. Thus, the key concepts considered in the article are the management style of the head, his influence on the personal orientation of employees, the locus of control, socio-psychological attitudes and personal orientations. These factors together form a complex network of relationships that can significantly affect the effectiveness of the organization.

manager's management style, personality orientation, control locus, socio-psychological attitudes, personality orientations
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