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Abstract (English):
This article discusses the current state, trends and forecasts for the development of the Russian labor market in 2023. In the trends in the development of the market for goods and services, which directly affects the labor market, it is important that the export of Russian goods is carried out, despite the spreading sanctions, the prices for these goods may be lower than they were before, but the total volume of exported products remains at a high level. Russia manages to sell a larger volume of goods, but their cost is lower than it was before. Trends in the labor market in Russia show the opposite effect of the situation of the economic crisis — organizations are actively looking for workforce. The long-term effect of the influence of certain factors on the current labor market has affected: lack of labor, migration of personnel from one region to another, movement between different industries and services. As a result of such movements, there is a certain increase in wages, because, changing the place of work, the employee, under any external circumstances, seeks to get a new job with an increase in wages.

financial instability in the labor market, an increase in the number of vacancies with a low unemployment rate, employment of workers of age categories, competition for manual workers in industry, change of workplace for office staff and knowledge workers, demand for secondary specialized education
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