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Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the analysis of the transformation of the view on the development of society in the direction of creating a balanced model of interaction between business and all stakeholders in order to save the planet for future generations. One of the main goals of a business is to make a profit. However, modern companies understand that in the long run, basing a business on profit maximization alone is unwise. After all, a significant decrease in resources and a negative impact on the environment will certainly lead to problems. In light of these changes, many companies are rethinking their strategy and implementing socially responsible approaches in their activities. They begin to take into account the interests of a wide range of stakeholders: customers, investors, employees, the state and society as a whole. This means that businesses need to be more transparent and accountable to their customers by offering them quality products and services. In addition, companies attract the attention of the public by demonstrating their social activity and concern for society - by organizing charity events, sponsoring social projects and taking part in solving public problems. Such changes help companies strengthen their image and improve their reputation, which contributes to increased trust from customers and the public at large. Moreover, this approach helps attract new investors and partners who demand social responsibility and high standards from companies. A key factor for the successful implementation of socially responsible approaches is changing the culture within the company. Leaders must ensure that all employees share the values of the company and take part in its social and environmental initiatives. Implementing socially responsible practices also requires investing in clean technology and equipment to help companies reduce their environmental footprint and use resources efficiently. Social responsibility is becoming one of the key factors for successful business development. It helps companies create a sustainable development model, meet the needs of stakeholders and preserve the resources of our planet for future generations. The introduction of socially responsible approaches is not only ethically correct, but also beneficial for the business as a whole.

sustainable development, rating, ranking, risks, ESG factors: ecology, social policy, management
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