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Abstract (English):
The relevance. Through the prism of topical issues, the author of the article analyzes the content and specifics of the heroic-patriotic education of law enforcement officers. The problem statement: the ongoing events in Ukraine show that the principles of patriotism should become a modern ideology that is able to preserve the Russian Federation as a multinational state, where every citizen, regardless of ethnicity, feels like a full-fledged free person who is proud of his country. The purpose of the study: a constructive analysis of the heroic-patriotic education of police officers of the Russian Federation during the period of the special military operation in Ukraine. The research methods: dialectics, hermeneutics, synergetics, philosophical conceptology. The results and key conclusions: the organization of educational work with personnel is the most important component of daily management activities, through which it has a direct impact on the effectiveness of solving operational tasks, strengthening the rule of law and service discipline, and improving the moral and psychological state of personnel.

education, military operation, patriotism, heroism
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